من نحن

نحن مجموعة من رجال الأعمال يقودها إيماننا بفكرة ذلك

نحن مجموعة من رجال الاعمال يقودنا إيمان بفكرة أن الاستثمار الحقيقي هو الاستثمار في الانسان، وان الانسان  الحقيقي هو الانسان الراقي، ولا رقي للإنسان ولا سمو  للبشرية إلا بروافع عوالم الإبداع في العلم والفن والادب، فقررنا أن نؤسس  شركة GPM لتكون ميدانا حقيقيا لفن راق، وعلم نافع، وابداع خالد..لنصبح معا بشر راق.


القيادة والعمل الجماعي

النزاهة والشغف

الجرأة والتواضع

الصدق والصدق

الجودة والمساءلة

الابتكار والمرح

البساطة والتنوع


The GPM Foundation trying to be an active partner in the worlds of arts, the world of literature, and the fields of science, because it believes that this sacred triangle is the basis for human survival, safe, secure, and uplifting in his message on earth, and to support acquaintance between people and peoples in the language of direct human creativity.

And that is by establishing integrated units in the horizons of arts, the orbits of literature, and the paths of science, to produce interesting art, sophisticated literature, and useful science for people, with the constant support of a diligent digital analytical research unit for the products of creative artists and scientists, and providing summaries of reports and analyzes for them, with an special interest in the world of cinema, theatre, broadcasting and television, sponsoring the production of fine and applied arts, by introducing and publishing the products of creators, artists and scholars through modern means of communication in the four horizons, and advancing the establishment deep academic education that transfers experiences across generations by continuing on the same supreme human value system, as well as caring for the Entertainment, pleasure, happiness and enjoyments industry,  within a creative framework in designing competitions and managing amazing art festivals for the family and society.


GPM constitute a safe and successful environment for every creator, intellectual, scientist and artist in projects that stem from their lively conscience that yields a unique production that expresses them, returns to them, upgrade people and enjoys their society; A production that carries values, spreads beauty, deepens love, spreads happiness, unleashes freedom, and supports human dignity in the continuity of majestic images of creativity, unique orbits of expression, and close knowledge horizons in the paths of the arts industry, the horizons of literature, and the orbits of science.


Establishing an academy that educates and graduates creative generations by communicating with the creative stars, so that it transfers the origins of the arts, the rules of literature, the components of creativity, and the starting points of science, to achieve the goals and objectives of the cultural movements of human society.

The use of classic and modern social and technological media and public communication, such as artificial intelligence, in producing a deep, diverse, beneficial, and elegant products for human being in the world of arts, the worlds of literature, and the horizons of science.

Reviving the theater in an original, renewed, and creative modern image, moving forward in the world of cinema in all its dimensions, and providing a space for applied artists and fine arts to communicate with the audience with their wonderful products in all possible forms.

Formation of a research and analysis unit so that arts, literature, and sciences tripping in the various horizons based on scientific, analytical, and sustainable research bases that belong & return to the creator, so he thinks about them and turns them around, so his creativity increases and his production profuse, and decodes of communication between him and his audience.

Creating pleasure & joy and spreading happiness and live life through professional management of festivals, exhibitions, celebrations, and competitions that are innovative, unique in idea, and precise performance.

Establishing a non-profit foundation to support the arts and artists, science and scientists, and Literature and writers.


Revenue in 2022 (Million)


Collaegues & Counting


Successfully Project


Year of experience

الثقة والقيمة


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